Kamis, 06 Desember 2012

Our experiment on changes in materials!

Today we are going to discuss about changes in materials. To make it simple me and my group had an experiment about changes in materials.... We are going to discuss about physical and chemical change. First off we will start with the materials needed.

Activity no.1                                                          Activity no.2                            
Materials needed:                                             Materials needed:
◦ spoon                                                                ◦ spoon
◦ candle wax                                                        ◦ beaker
◦ sugar                                                                ◦ water
◦ butter                                                               ◦ baking soda
◦ candle                                                              ◦ vinegar
                                                                           ◦ flour    

Activity no.1
1. First we place some sugar in the spoon.
2. Light the candle. Heat the the sugar in the spoon over the candle flame until all the sugar has melt
3. Remove the candle flame. Leave the sugar in the spoon to cool.
4. Repeat steps 1 to 3, replacing sugar with butter
5. Repeat steps 1 to 3, replacing butter with candle wax
(**Note: We recored every step in this activity)
Activity no.2
1. Add a spoon of flour into the beaker of water. Observe what happens.
2. Add a teaspoon of baking soda into the beaker half-filled with vinegar. Observe what happens.

This is me and my group
With this experiment i was able to conclude that:
◦ No new material is formed when a physical change takes place. A new material is formed when a chemical change  takes place.
◦ Physical changes are usually reversible. Chemical changes are usually non-reversible.
If you want to know more about chemical and physical change

If you want to know more about changes in materials
click here!! for video and click here!! for the text.
I guess this is all i can tell you right now! See you next time!^^

Selasa, 18 September 2012

Cell and Cell Division

Cell are made up of a lot of parts . Each and every part is important because of them the cells are able to function properly.There are 2 type/kind of cell that we are talking right now. Animal and plant cell. Let's start with the animal cell.

ANIMAL CELL                   

The 4 main partfor a typical animal cell is:                                                
- Nucleus:
The nucleus control everything that is happening inside a cell. It is located in the cytoplasm.

- Cell membrane:
Cell membrane is a thin soft outermost layer of the cell. It contains cytoplasm in it.
- Vacuoles:
Vacuoles is the part of the cell which play the digestion part inside the cell.
- Cytoplasm:
Cytoplasm is a jelly like substance that let substances such as oxygen and food to be transported around the cell.          
To learn more about animal cell you can click here!


The plant cell has 6 main part for a typical plant part is almost the same as the animal cell. The only thing different is the chloroplast and the cell wall. For the vacuole in the plant part function differently.

- Chloroplast
Chloroplast is a tiny green structures that contain chlorophyll. Chlorophyll is a green pigment that traps the sunlight in order for the plant to do photosynthesis. Not all plants have chloroplast.

- Cell wall
Cell wall is the outermost layer of the plant cell and it give the plant cell it's shape.

- Vacuole
Unlike the animal cell vacuole in the plant cell contain the cell sap which keep the cell firm.

To learn more about plant cell you can click here!


Like all organism cell grow by multiplying. Cell also multiply to replace the old cells. This process took place in organism all the time.

As we grow, our body also increases in size. This is because cell in our body increases. Our body cells multiply by a process called cell division. Not only that they also go through the process called mitosis.

Unicellular organisms grow by multiplying themselves.

- Yeast
There is an exception for yeast. they grow by using a special method called budding. In the process called budding, a small bud will grow in the yeast cell. They will eventually break away from the parent cell once they have reached the same size.

In my school me and my friends also try to experiment about cell division.
This is the materials that we used during our expieriment:

- 2 balloons
- 2 flask
- measuring tape
- stop watch
- hot/boiled water
- sugar
- yeast (fermipan)

After we prepared all of that, the next thing we do is put the boiled/hot water insinde both of the flask. After that we label flask A and flask B. In flask A we only put the yeast and then mix it with the water. While in flask B we put both the yeast and the sugar and then mix them together. After we mix them we cover the top of both flask with the balloon. If we already cover both of the flas with the balloon we start the stop watch and wait for 45 minutes. And there we have the result.

Pink ( Flask B) Purple ( Flask A)

From this experiment, i know now more about cell division. One of them is that cell need energy to multiply which in this experiment they got it from the sugar. Cell also need certain condition like heat, water and  oxygen to grow/multiply.

You can learn more about cell division by clicking here!


Minggu, 06 Mei 2012


Ok..  today I am going to tell you about “Sound”. Let’s start, first of all what is sound? Well sound is a vibration that affects the molecules-molecules in the air.
Now then let’s talk about how does sound travel. Sound travel from one medium to another using the air molecules.
Now, I am going to tell you about sound wave. What is sound wave? Sound wave are often simplified to a description in terms of sinusoidal plane wave. It travels very fast but its speed is still slower than a lightning.
Next is how do we hear sound and how does it affect hearing? Sound travels in the air which will cause the ear drum to vibrate. The higher the frequency of the sound the faster the ear drum will vibrate and the lower the frequency of the sound the slower the ear drum will vibrate.  We should always remember that is the frequency of the sound is to high it may damage the ear and cause deafness.
How does sound travels to the inner ear? As sound travel through the air to the ear. It will then cause the ear drum to vibrate. The vibration then will be transfer to a set of 3 tiny bones. This will transmit the sound energy to the oval window. You can say that the oval window is a membrane-covered opening which will leads the sound from the middle ear to the inner ear.

Now I am going to tell you about my experiment at school.
In this experiment i tried to make a telephone out of a cup and a string. I learnt that we could only hear each other sound when we straighten the string and nothing should be blocking the string which serve a the path of the sound to travel.

Mine is the orange one while the purple is my partner’s (Farren)
This is for now!

Minggu, 22 April 2012

let's find out about light and heat!

Today i am going to tell you about light and heat!

Transfer of Light
pencil in the water
Normally light travel in a straight line. however if light travels from one medium to another medium, it will bend like the picture. in the picture it shows that the pencil inside the glass of water looks its bent. this happen because as it travel from one medium (water) to another medium (air) before reaching our eye. This bending of light at the boundary of the two media is called refraction.

light also bends when it passes through a lens. when we look through a lens, we can see that the image of the object is distorted. It is because the light travels from air to glass.

Transfer of Heat
Just like light heat also travels from one object to another. Heat travels from a place of higher temperature to another place that has lower temperature through conduction,convection and radiation

Minggu, 05 Februari 2012

Lets talk about Weather!

Hi! Today i am going to talk about a new topic called "weather"
To start lets talk about types of clouds!

Types of clouds:

  • Cumulus
  • Nimbostratus
  • Cumulonimbus
  • Stratus
  • Cirrus
Cumulus Clouds
This are sample of cumulus clouds. Cumulus clouds are usually looks soft and fluffy like a cotton ball. It is located around 2000 meter in the atmosphere. 

Cumulonimbus Clouds

Stratus Clouds
This are sample of cumulonimbus.Cumulonimbus are formed when cumulus clods turns grey. It is located 1600 - 2000 meter in the atmosphere. This clouds could cause long steady rain.

Stratus clouds are located 2000 meter below the atmosphere. It is like a flattened sheets of clouds. It may stay over some place for sometime. This clouds cause overcast weather.

It looks like feathers right?
Cirrus clouds are formed 8000 meter above the atmosphere. Cirrus Clouds looks like a feather.This Cloud could be seen even in a sunny day!

It's colour is dark grey
This clouds are formed at a height of 2400 meter in the atmosphere. This cloud could bring a long and steady rain.

Since we are done talking about types of clouds. Now lets talk about other types of weather related things.
  • Dew
Dew are formed when water vapor in the air comes in contact with a cold objects of a temperature at or below the dew point. The temperature at which droplets can from is called dew point.
Dew on the leaf

  • Hail
Hail is a form of precipitation that falls from the sky as clumps of ice. Precipitation is produced when water vapor from the sky condenses and falls to the ground because the clouds could not hold it anymore
This is how hail looks like

  • Wind
To be exact wind cannot be seen. We can only feel it. Wind has its own negative and positive effects.

This Windmill could make wind
Positive effects
Wind could help the plants on doing the process called "pollination". Wind could also help us humans on our activities such as kite-flying and windsurfing. It also helps the animals to smell their prey.
Look at that people that use the wind to do windsurfing.
Negative effects
Its could cause tornadoes, hurricane, heavy rains and also it could cause floods.
This are a picture of a town/city when there are tornadoes.

  • Land breeze and sea breeze
Wind is also formed when land and water are heated. Heating of land and water cause the formation of sea breeze at night and land breeze at day time.

That is all for now. Thank you for reading.

Minggu, 29 Januari 2012

Human Population

Birth and Death rate

Human Population increases each day. We could even say every 3 minutes 1 or more babies are born around the world. Human Population increases everyday, every months and every year. Human population increases depending on the birth and death rate.
1. Birth rate:
Birth rate are the number of babies that are born each day, every hours and every minutes.
This are some factors that causes a high birth rate:

  • Early marriages
  • Lack of knowledge of birth control

2. Death rate:
Death rate are the number of people that died in the years and months. Death rate increases everyday, every months and every year. Human population decreases because / depending on the death rate.
This are some factors that causes a high death rate.

  • Diseases
  • Natural disasters
  • Famine

Human population is also measured by its density. When a place has many people living there the density will  increases.

Density may increases and decreases because of immigration and emigration. People who migrates is called migrants.

1. Immigration:
Immigration happen when people move from one country to another country / place. This action will increases the human population density. People who immigrates are called immigrants.

2. Emigration:
Emigration occurs when people move from the country to another country / place permanently. This action will decreases the human population density. People who emigrates are called emigrants.

Sample of a low density area

Say NO to pollution!!

Soil Pollution
Plstics and trashes are thrown on the ground
This are samples of soil pollution that i took beside my church. Soil pollution may cause air and water pollution. The picture on the left shows about peoples that throws their trash on the ground. This action may contaminate the soil and damage the plants. When the plants cannot grow anymore the animal that is classified to herbivore will have nothing to eat. So if they have nothing to eat they could die. 

                                     Air Pollution
cigarette that has been used
The picture on the right shows about air pollution. In this picture I saw a  cigarette on the ground. This cigarette has been used and when its used that means smoke is coming out of it and it made air pollution. It also cause soil pollution since its not thrown in the right place. Air pollution may lead / cause to global warming. Air pollution can also cause diseases. Example of the diseases and other :
◦ Lung cancer
◦ Eye irritation
◦ etc.
The diseases  and eye irritation I mention is caused by air pollution. Example lung cancer: it is cause by inhaling smoke from the cigarettes and for eye irritation is caused by the dust and dirt from the street and etc.

Water Pollution
Water pollution can make the water in the water dirty. If the water is dirty animals like fish will die because the water is contaminated with oil from farm and factories, human waste, and others. This things could contaminate the water because when it is thrown in the water it will go to the water bodies and it will spread form one place to another. This days finding clean water is hard due to water pollution. Of course we as humans need clean water to survive if we don’t get enough water for our bodies we could suffer from dehydration and if we drink dirty water / water that has been contaminated it may cause diseases. Some people have did that because there are less clean water in their place. People like us, are lucky because we still can drink clean and healthy water.

We must say NO to pollution and say YES to save our mother nature! Because if we will not control our action soon earth will not be suitable for us to live and we all will have no future.