Minggu, 22 April 2012

let's find out about light and heat!

Today i am going to tell you about light and heat!

Transfer of Light
pencil in the water
Normally light travel in a straight line. however if light travels from one medium to another medium, it will bend like the picture. in the picture it shows that the pencil inside the glass of water looks its bent. this happen because as it travel from one medium (water) to another medium (air) before reaching our eye. This bending of light at the boundary of the two media is called refraction.

light also bends when it passes through a lens. when we look through a lens, we can see that the image of the object is distorted. It is because the light travels from air to glass.

Transfer of Heat
Just like light heat also travels from one object to another. Heat travels from a place of higher temperature to another place that has lower temperature through conduction,convection and radiation

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